Atyrau Expats

Sochi Insider

Welcome to
Atyrau Expats!


We've put together this website as a resource for the expatriot community of Atyrau, Kazakhstan and workers in the surrounding oil fields of Tengiz and Kashagan. It is intended to be an information resource for those foreigners who are living in, or just visiting Atyrau. Sochi.
Recently, a Forum has been added. This will allow members to post information, or ask questions. Membership to the forum is FREE. All you need to do is register. The forum also contains a "Chat" area, where members can communicate with one another in real time.
For those who are new to this region, we hope this website will be helpful. We'll be adding information to our directory as we can. For those who have been longtime residents of the city,  any information that you can add will be most appreciated!


Upcoming Events

For those who are unfamiliar, Atyrau is a city in western Kazakhstan, and the capital of Atyrau Province. It is located 2700 kilometers west of Almaty and 350 kilometers east of the Russian city of Astrakhan, which is located at the mouth of the Volga River.
Together with Aktau, Atyrau is Kazakhstan's main harbour city on the Caspian Sea at the delta of the Ural River. Atyrau city is approximately 20 meters below sea level, and is divided by the Ural River, which is considered the boundary between Europe and Asia. It is not unusual for someone to live in Europe and commute to work in Asia on a daily basis!


As this website grows, we'll be adding more and more topics. This would include information about public transportation, the local administration, and other topics of interest.
While the focus of the website is primarily the City of Atyrau, we'll also try to add information about the region. This includes the Tengiz and Kashagan oil fields. As Atyrau continues to grow and establish itself as the oil capital of Central Asia, we'll add information for those expats who will be coming to Atyrau and Western Kazakhstan to work on energy-related projects.
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    Welcome to Atyrau!

    If you have any comments, please e-mail us at: